
Making Business Travel Greener: A Journey Towards Sustainability

The Call for Sustainable Business Travel

The roaring 2020s have begun with a clarion call, drawing us towards the home stretch of the 2030 Agenda. It is in this decade that we must take significant strides to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the role of sustainable business travel cannot be understated.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic cast its shadow over the world, sustainable travel had become the talk of the town within the industry. Travellers, whether they be jet-setting executives or ambitious entrepreneurs, play an instrumental role in achieving the SDGs—chiefly those related to climate change and environmental impact.

As we watch business travel regain momentum in the wake of the COVID-19 health crisis, let's embark on a journey to explore how companies can return to the road with an eye towards sustainability. In collaboration with BNW Travel, I offer you a few practical travel tips for a greener tomorrow.

Taking the Green Path: Tips for Sustainable Business Travel

1. Crafting a Green Travel Policy

Integrate sustainable practices into your company travel policy. Set clear targets for your "green business travel policy" and encourage employee participation. Consider creating an incentive program to reward the most carbon-conscious travellers.

2. Savour the Local Flavours

Embrace the 0KM food concept by supporting local communities and businesses. Dining at restaurants that source their produce from nearby regions helps reduce food miles, preserve small farmland, and promote genetic diversity. Responsible travel extends beyond transportation and accommodation—it's a holistic approach to experiencing the world.

3. Responsible Behaviour in Hotels

Many hotels now request guests to indicate whether they'd like their towels washed and replaced. Similarly, a specific request is required for changing bed sheets. Let's encourage employees to be mindful of these practices, opting for changes only when needed.

4. Electrify Your Ride

The cool kids of today drive electric! Make use of BNW Travel's car booking service to hire an electric car, thereby minimizing your carbon footprint. Including electric cars in your company travel policy ensures that your travellers contribute positively to the global and local environment.

5. Car-sharing and Public Transport

Consider the merits of the car-sharing economy, available at select destinations, to decrease carbon emissions. Public transport offers a sustainable alternative by increasing fuel efficiency and reducing traffic congestion.

6. The Scenic Route by Train

Rail travel, accounting for only 14g of CO2 emissions per passenger per mile, presents a more environmentally-friendly option than flights at 158g. If time permits, why not enjoy "the scenic route" and embark on a train journey?

7. Reducing Plastic Waste

Avoid single-use plastics and carry a reusable water bottle. Refilling your own bottle, whether at the office or on a business trip, helps reduce plastic waste. Remember to bring the bottle through airport security empty and refill it at water fountains. Don't forget to recycle your plastic cutlery!

8. Embrace the Digital Age—Skip the Print

The digital age has rendered paper tickets and boarding passes a relic of the past. Airports and hotels worldwide now accept digital documents, including booking confirmations. By implementing a "no-print" travel practice, companies can encourage employees to go digital—fostering social distancing and reducing environmental impact.

9. Sustainable Destinations for Company Offsites

Organize company events like offsite or team building exercises in "sustainable destinations." Consider countries with carbon-neutral cities or those with eco-friendly urban planning.

10. Track and Offset Your Carbon Footprint

The journey towards sustainability begins by giving back to the environment. For every tonne of CO2 emitted by your business travel, consider utilizing services such as GreenPerk to offset your carbon footprint. If you don’t want to deal with another service, BNW Travel has taken a proactive approach by incorporating offsetting tools directly into its dashboard. Our user-friendly dashboard empowers travellers to monitor and manage their carbon footprint with ease. With BNW Travel, you can offset and receive carbon offset certification that verifies your carbon-neutral status. Our travel portal automatically tracks emissions for each journey, saving you valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on consulting.

Read our Guide to Measuring Corporate Sustainable Travel The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Corporate Sustainable Travel

The Road Ahead

So there you have it—practical tips for embarking on a greener journey as you resume your business travels. Every step we take towards sustainability, no matter how small, contributes to the collective effort of protecting our planet.

As travellers, we are stewards of the world, and we possess the unique opportunity to make a positive impact wherever we go. Let us tread lightly, act responsibly, and embrace the spirit of exploration with a renewed sense of purpose.

Did you find these insights valuable? If so, please follow BNW Travel on LinkedIn, and share this article with your friends and colleagues. Together, we can make business travel a force for good, shaping a brighter and more sustainable future.

Safe travels, and until our paths cross again.

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